Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Sad Nature of the Conflict between Israel and...

Before hearing this lecture, I’d never heard of the Palestinian refugee camps in the Middle East or thought much about the Palestinian people. This lecture helped me understand the truly sad nature of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. You began the lecture by showing a video about the Aida refugee camp, which is one of many camps the in which the Israelis placed the Palestinians once Israel became a country after WWII. Then you spoke of your experiences living and working there. Telling stories of Israelis shooting children, throwing tear gas at silent protestors, and being cruel at checkpoints, you talked about the people who live in that camp. You discussed how the Israelis wish to eliminate the Palestinians and how they†¦show more content†¦should support this. It seems obvious that, though Israel may have once been God’s chosen people, Jesus has come, making what was once â€Å"holy war† unnecessary. As I listened to the lecture, the Aida refugee camp kept reminding me of the Native American reservations in the U.S. Just like the Palestinians, Native Americans were suppressed because they were in the way; they were hidden to be forgotten. Unlike how the Israelites shoot at the Palestinians, however, we don’t generally shoot at people on reservations anymore. Yet, America in general wants to forget about these people. Seeing the cute children from the Aida camp and hearing your stories about their excitement for the activities reminded me of the children from the Winnebago, Nebraska reservation where I know many kids. People from my church go twice a year to continue relationships and do VBS with kids there. We’ve brought a few back to Michigan over the years to participate in a trip with our own middle schoolers. I’ve loved being a part of that ministry. The Aida center seems very similar. I find it sad that the kids in the Aida camp must live in the constant fear of not having enough water and of even being killed. At least for Native Americans they mostly just live in fear of their own families and the general hopelessness that the res brings. Though reservations have more freedom and amenities than the refugee camp, living on them isn’t easy either. In a lotShow MoreRelatedViolations of Human Rights in the Arab-Israeli Conflict2116 Words   |  9 Pages Since the beginning of the Arab-Israeli conflict there have been countless human rights violations committed by both sides, but the majority of violations have been carried out by Israel against the Palestinians. In looking at the conflict, one may believe that every attack has featured a human rights violation, but in order to be able to properly determine what human rights violations are, one must know the history of human rights and how they are protected. The idea of human rights startedRead More Israel and Terrorism Essay5164 Words   |  21 PagesIntroduction: The Conflict, Cause for Optimism, and Skepticism Over the past 55 years conflict between Israelis and Palestinians has led to three wars, years of terrorism, and decades of poverty and displacement resulting in thousands upon thousands of deaths among both peoples. Despite the conflict, Israel has managed to develop its economy thanks in large part to generous foreign aid. Palestinians, however, have largely been living in poverty, under the rule of a corrupt government and in fearRead MoreDo Muslim Women Really Need Saving?7400 Words   |  30 PagesASSOCIATION COPYRIGHT? 2002, 784 American Anthropologist * Vol. 104, No. 3 * September 2002 ism in a way they were not in other conflicts?LauraBushs radio address on November 17 reveals the political work such mobilization accomplishes. On the one hand, her address collapsed important distinctions that should have been maintained. There was a constant slippage between the Taliban and the terrorists, so that they became almost one word-a kind of hyphenated monster identity: the Taliban-and-the-terrorists

The Sad Nature of the Conflict between Israel and...

Before hearing this lecture, I’d never heard of the Palestinian refugee camps in the Middle East or thought much about the Palestinian people. This lecture helped me understand the truly sad nature of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. You began the lecture by showing a video about the Aida refugee camp, which is one of many camps the in which the Israelis placed the Palestinians once Israel became a country after WWII. Then you spoke of your experiences living and working there. Telling stories of Israelis shooting children, throwing tear gas at silent protestors, and being cruel at checkpoints, you talked about the people who live in that camp. You discussed how the Israelis wish to eliminate the Palestinians and how they†¦show more content†¦should support this. It seems obvious that, though Israel may have once been God’s chosen people, Jesus has come, making what was once â€Å"holy war† unnecessary. As I listened to the lecture, the Aida refugee camp kept reminding me of the Native American reservations in the U.S. Just like the Palestinians, Native Americans were suppressed because they were in the way; they were hidden to be forgotten. Unlike how the Israelites shoot at the Palestinians, however, we don’t generally shoot at people on reservations anymore. Yet, America in general wants to forget about these people. Seeing the cute children from the Aida camp and hearing your stories about their excitement for the activities reminded me of the children from the Winnebago, Nebraska reservation where I know many kids. People from my church go twice a year to continue relationships and do VBS with kids there. We’ve brought a few back to Michigan over the years to participate in a trip with our own middle schoolers. I’ve loved being a part of that ministry. The Aida center seems very similar. I find it sad that the kids in the Aida camp must live in the constant fear of not having enough water and of even being killed. At least for Native Americans they mostly just live in fear of their own families and the general hopelessness that the res brings. Though reservations have more freedom and amenities than the refugee camp, living on them isn’t easy either. In a lotShow MoreRelatedViolations of Human Rights in the Arab-Israeli Conflict2116 Words   |  9 Pages Since the beginning of the Arab-Israeli conflict there have been countless human rights violations committed by both sides, but the majority of violations have been carried out by Israel against the Palestinians. In looking at the conflict, one may believe that every attack has featured a human rights violation, but in order to be able to properly determine what human rights violations are, one must know the history of human rights and how they are protected. The idea of human rights startedRead More Israel and Terrorism Essay5164 Words   |  21 PagesIntroduction: The Conflict, Cause for Optimism, and Skepticism Over the past 55 years conflict between Israelis and Palestinians has led to three wars, years of terrorism, and decades of poverty and displacement resulting in thousands upon thousands of deaths among both peoples. Despite the conflict, Israel has managed to develop its economy thanks in large part to generous foreign aid. Palestinians, however, have largely been living in poverty, under the rule of a corrupt government and in fearRead MoreDo Muslim Women Really Need Saving?7400 Words   |  30 PagesASSOCIATION COPYRIGHT? 2002, 784 American Anthropologist * Vol. 104, No. 3 * September 2002 ism in a way they were not in other conflicts?LauraBushs radio address on November 17 reveals the political work such mobilization accomplishes. On the one hand, her address collapsed important distinctions that should have been maintained. There was a constant slippage between the Taliban and the terrorists, so that they became almost one word-a kind of hyphenated monster identity: the Taliban-and-the-terrorists

The Sad Nature of the Conflict between Israel and...

Before hearing this lecture, I’d never heard of the Palestinian refugee camps in the Middle East or thought much about the Palestinian people. This lecture helped me understand the truly sad nature of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. You began the lecture by showing a video about the Aida refugee camp, which is one of many camps the in which the Israelis placed the Palestinians once Israel became a country after WWII. Then you spoke of your experiences living and working there. Telling stories of Israelis shooting children, throwing tear gas at silent protestors, and being cruel at checkpoints, you talked about the people who live in that camp. You discussed how the Israelis wish to eliminate the Palestinians and how they†¦show more content†¦should support this. It seems obvious that, though Israel may have once been God’s chosen people, Jesus has come, making what was once â€Å"holy war† unnecessary. As I listened to the lecture, the Aida refugee camp kept reminding me of the Native American reservations in the U.S. Just like the Palestinians, Native Americans were suppressed because they were in the way; they were hidden to be forgotten. Unlike how the Israelites shoot at the Palestinians, however, we don’t generally shoot at people on reservations anymore. Yet, America in general wants to forget about these people. Seeing the cute children from the Aida camp and hearing your stories about their excitement for the activities reminded me of the children from the Winnebago, Nebraska reservation where I know many kids. People from my church go twice a year to continue relationships and do VBS with kids there. We’ve brought a few back to Michigan over the years to participate in a trip with our own middle schoolers. I’ve loved being a part of that ministry. The Aida center seems very similar. I find it sad that the kids in the Aida camp must live in the constant fear of not having enough water and of even being killed. At least for Native Americans they mostly just live in fear of their own families and the general hopelessness that the res brings. Though reservations have more freedom and amenities than the refugee camp, living on them isn’t easy either. In a lotShow MoreRelatedViolations of Human Rights in the Arab-Israeli Conflict2116 Words   |  9 Pages Since the beginning of the Arab-Israeli conflict there have been countless human rights violations committed by both sides, but the majority of violations have been carried out by Israel against the Palestinians. In looking at the conflict, one may believe that every attack has featured a human rights violation, but in order to be able to properly determine what human rights violations are, one must know the history of human rights and how they are protected. The idea of human rights startedRead More Israel and Terrorism Essay5164 Words   |  21 PagesIntroduction: The Conflict, Cause for Optimism, and Skepticism Over the past 55 years conflict between Israelis and Palestinians has led to three wars, years of terrorism, and decades of poverty and displacement resulting in thousands upon thousands of deaths among both peoples. Despite the conflict, Israel has managed to develop its economy thanks in large part to generous foreign aid. Palestinians, however, have largely been living in poverty, under the rule of a corrupt government and in fearRead MoreDo Muslim Women Really Need Saving?7400 Words   |  30 PagesASSOCIATION COPYRIGHT? 2002, 784 American Anthropologist * Vol. 104, No. 3 * September 2002 ism in a way they were not in other conflicts?LauraBushs radio address on November 17 reveals the political work such mobilization accomplishes. On the one hand, her address collapsed important distinctions that should have been maintained. There was a constant slippage between the Taliban and the terrorists, so that they became almost one word-a kind of hyphenated monster identity: the Taliban-and-the-terrorists

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Hamlet as a Living Death in the Midst of Life in Hamlet by...

Hamlet as a Living Death in the Midst of Life in Hamlet by Wlliam Shakespeare In claiming that Hamlet is a living death in the midst of life, Knight depicts Hamlet as a character who is entirely a corrupting force in the lives of others, rather than a morally superior character attempting to orchestrate justice. In that Hamlet is secluded and absolutely isolated from those who experience life, Knight condemns Hamlet to the title of being an emotionless element of malevolence. It is important however to consider Hamlet’s circumstance before labelling him as an ‘element of evil’. This title portrays a being that has no conscience and feels little, if any, emotion; it could be argued however, that†¦show more content†¦Knight focuses on the contrast between Hamlet and the court and its guests in the opening scene, as it is clear to see that Hamlet in comparison can be seen as a morbid figure, and the crowd a mass figure of life. The court is a joyful place, it is full of exhilaration, however Hamlet is brooding, contemplative and in such grief and despair that he does not want to celebrate. In this seclusion, Shakespeare makes Hamlet a different element altogether, and in comparison with the court, could be perceived as a living death by those perhaps less sympathetic to Hamlets dilemma. Claudius is clearly a well-organized man, and he has sensible ideas about not letting recollections of the past obstruct the promise of the future; ‘So much for him. - / Now for ourself, and for this time of meeting.’ The requirement for a leader to be strong, is a preoccupation present not only in an Elizabethan society, but of any society; Claudius, as a politician, can not afford to be scrupulous, and it is through this obligation of emotional detachment and public reputation in Claudius that the audience is able to associate more with Hamlet and his dilemma than with Claudius and his. Another such example of this would be Machiavelli; it was a focus on practical success and public image, even at the expense of traditional moral values, that earned Machiavellis schemes

Friday, December 13, 2019

A Good Man Is Hard to Find. Free Essays

Fiction Essay Nobel Prize winner William Faulkner said that a writer must â€Å"leave no room in his workshop for anything but the old verities and truths of the heart, the old universal truths lacking with any story is ephemeral and doomed- love and honor and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice. † Flannery O’Connor uses these universal truths in her short story, A Good Man Is Hard to Find. An old southern woman trying to come to terms with the new culture of the south dooms her family by unknowingly leading them to come face to face with a notorious criminal called â€Å"The Misfit†. We will write a custom essay sample on A Good Man Is Hard to Find. or any similar topic only for you Order Now O’Connor pushes her characters to the edge using violence so that they may find grace. In the story, there is a human versus human conflict. The grandmother constantly compares her two grandchildren with the way things used to be in her time. The grandmother says, â€Å"In my time, children were more respectful of their native states and their parents and everything else. † (O’Connor 119). The grandchildren are terribly rude and are always speaking everything that is on their minds without a filter. There is also a human versus environment/society conflict. The grandmother comes from a time where slavery still existed, or, the Old South. She was brought up differently than her grandchildren who represent the New South. Viewing the relationship between the grandmother and the grandchildren, it appears that the cultures of the Old South and New South are polar opposites. This brand new generation has different values due to the changes that were happening in history. Within this story there is another human versus human conflict between the family and the Misfit. When the grandmother recognizes The Misfit and shouts it out, she instantly dooms her family. As The Misfit orders the father and son to be killed first the grandmother tries to reason with him in order to spare her life. Desperately she says, â€Å"I know you’re a good man. You don’t look a bit like you have common blood. I know you must come from nice people! † (O’Connor 127). Surprisingly enough, the grandmother does not seem to be interested in saving the family from this impending doom. She is only interested in saving herself and that is her motivation for trying to reason ith The Misfit. Only during the last moments of her life does she begin to shout out for her son. The story ends tragically because the whole family is murdered. The grandmother realized that her generation was the reason why The Misfit existed calling him â€Å"one of my own children† (O’Connor 132). This goes back to the culture of the Old South, which bred the next generation of the New South. The grandmother realizes that the reason why this new culture is so different is because the Old South created it, old southern values were no longer respected. When The Misfit shoots the grandmother she â€Å"half sat and half lay in a puddle of blood with her legs crossed under her like a child’s and her face smiling up at the cloudless sky. † (O’Connor 132). In these moments after her death O’Connor gave her grace. Even though she has been brutally murdered she has been given this peace as she looks up into the sky. In this story, Flannery O’Connor pushed her characters to the edge by using extreme violence. In â€Å"A Reasonable Use of the Unreasonable,† O’Connor explains her reasons for doing this. O’Connor writes, â€Å"I have found that violence is strangely capable of returning my characters to reality and preparing them to accept their moment of grace. † (O’Connor 1048). The grandmother’s violent murder gave her grace and clarity. O’Connor also shows us that there are humans that fear only for themselves and not others and that sometimes tragedy happens even though it is not fair. But another thing O’Connor shows us is that just like how tragedy happens, grace is also given to those who do not deserve it. How to cite A Good Man Is Hard to Find., Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Conditioning Techniques in Clinical Practice and Research

Question: Discuss about the Conditioning Techniques in Clinical Practice and Research. Answer: Introduction: A hypothesis is a proposed explanation conceived for a particular phenomena that are to be tested for truthfulness. Researchers base hypotheses on observations acquired previously that had not led to satisfactory explanations. The hypothesis is different from a theory in all respect (Ly et al., 2016). Leary (2016) states that a hypothesis is the tentative statement about the relationship between the confounding variables. While the hypothesis is responsible for predicting the expectations of the research, the goal of the research is the determination of whether the hypothesis holds true or whether it is incorrect. According to Sterne (1840), it is the nature of a hypothesis that when an individual conceived it, that is assimilated every thing to itself as proper nourishment, and from the first moment of making it happen, the hypothesis usually grows stronger by everything that is seen, heard, read or understood. In the field of psychology, all significant researches have been known t o hold a clear stated hypothesis that has been tested for truthfulness. One of the most debated research in psychology is the one related to Classical Conditioning Theory of Ivan Pavlov that has thrown a valuable insight into the understanding of human behaviour. The research undertaken by Pavlov was based on a distinct hypothesis (Chilcott, 2015). In the present paper the hypothesis of Pavlovian Conditioning in psychology put forward by Ivan Pavlov, has been used to assess the degree to which individuals advancing it have treated the hypothesis in a manner how Stence have described it. The impact of such treatment for the hypothesis is also highlighted in the paper. Lastly, the paper also analyses the impact of such treatment for psychology. The paper ends with a conclusive summary of the whole discussion. Classical conditioning is a kind of mental conditioning that is associated with a previously neutral stimulus with the presence of an unconditional stimulus that elicits the desired response. It implies that a neutral stimulus is linked with an unconditioned stimulus for creating a response that should not have been created originally (Peter, 2014). The theory of classical conditioning had been put forward by Ivan Pavlov, a Russsian Scientist, who threw light upon the theory through his research. Pavlov was looking at salivation produced by dogs as a response to being fed. The people who were responsible for feeding the dogs wore lab coats while feeding. It was brought into his notice that the dogs drooled whenever they got a sight of the lab coats, even if food was not given to them. He noticed that the dogs used to salivate whenever he entered the room. This was true even in cases when the dogs were not fed by him. Pavlov started to generate the idea that the reflex of saliva had b een hardwired into the dogs. He, therefore, conducted an experiment to understand the phenomena more clearly that involved the dogs and food. The hypothesis of the study was that the dogs would respond to a neutral stimulus, and give a conditioned response. The sound of a bell was used as the neutral stimulus while linking it with other stimulus food. At the time of feeding the dogs, the bell was rung everytime. After repetition of the procedure, the researcher went into the room and rang only the bell without giving food. It was found that the salivation level of the dogs was increased when the bell was rung. The dogs were found to have learnt an association between the food and the bell and had eventually developed a new form of behaviour. Pavlov, therefore, succeeded in establishing a link between neutral stimulus and the conditioned response (Rescorla, 2014). Keller andSchoenfeld (2014) highlight that researcher John B. Watson further explored the hypothesis put forward by Pavlov and attempted to understand the implications of the hypothesis for practice. Watson, in the year 1921, undertook research with Albert, an 11-month-old infant child to verify the significant hypothesis. The aim of the research was to suitably condition Albert to be afraid of a white rat. This was done with a jarring, and loud noise, that acted as the unconditioned stimulus. Initially, the subject showed no signs of fear when the rat was presented to him. However, when the pairing of the rat was done with the loud noise, it was found that there was a development of fear from the rats in Albert. It was therefore presented that the loud noise was responsible for inducing fear in Albert, that acted as the unconditioned response. The implications of this valuable experiment indicated that classical conditioning possesses the ability to create phobia in human beings. As opined by Gross (2014) Pavlov had been successful in contributing a rich pool of new information, ideas and concepts to the domain of behavioural psychology. The interest of other researchers to testify the hypothesis of Pavlov include the works of Edward Thorndike. However, it was John Watson who carried forward research on the hypothesis of classical conditioning. The contribution of Pavlov into the field of psychology has been attributed for being indirect. The connection of the proposed hypothesis of Pavlov to behavioural psychology was first established by Watson as he felt that the experiments undertaken by Pavlov were a sound example of a good experimental methodology that can be utilised for observing the conditioning process of any secretory reflex. One can state in this regard that once the hypothesis of Pavlov came into the world, there were attempts to put it on stronger grounds and conceive it to be true in all respects. Moodley (2016), reflecting on the encounters of different psychologists with the hypothesis of classical conditioning theory, argued that research of John Watson was the most important in the context of the same field. In a quest to research more on the hypothesis, Watson ut focus upon more brilliant aspects of behavioural psychology. Watson believed that behavioural psychology is sheerly an objective experimental segment of natural science, wherein the theoretical goal is the prediction of behaviour as well as control of behaviour. The ultimate impact of the research of Watson was that behaviourism was conceived to be the scientific study of human behaviour. In addition, behaviourism was thought to have the goal of providing the foundation ground for understanding how humans behave. Kalat (2016) in this regard stated that Watson strived to collect data for one of his experiment in a distinct manner. Data collection was done by taking observations of many infants, several hundred in number, from the time of birth, through first one month of infancy and through the initial years of childhood. From the collected data it was concluded that young children from a background of well-to-do as well as poor are not suitable as good subjects. The rationale for this is that the behaviours of such children are complex. Watson also conducted other experiments on behaviourism that he published consequently. Another important experiment that Watson carried out was on his perspective on learning behaviour of individuals. This was termed as the theory of habit formation that has been illustrated adequately in several kinds of literature. Watson considered putting in front of a three-year-old child a problem box. The habits of manipulation of the child were well known. The problem box could only be opened after completion of a certain action. Before the box was handed over to the child, it was shown to the child that the box contained many candies and he was told that he needed to open the box for having the candies. The situation presented to him was new. The formed manipulations that he had learnt earlier were not to work in such situation. The actions taken by the child involved picking the box, pounding it on the floor, dragging it round, pushing it against the hard board, turning it over and striking it with full force with his fist. In summation, the child carried out all the actions that he had learnt previously in similar situations. While trying to attempt to open the box, he accidently opened the box. One candy was given to him, and the box was again closed. The next time the boy was found to make fewer movements, and for the next time, there were fewer movements in comparison. After several attempts, he was able to open the box in almost two secon ds. Watson gave an explanation of the illustration of learning. He proposed that the ability of the box with increased accuracy and fewer movements were a function of recency and frequency. The acts that are performed more frequently usually persists within an individual. Watson identified nine hypothetical laws of learning. The first and second were recency and frequency. The third hypothesis was that conditioning is a major method of stimulu substitution. The fourth hypothesis was that the process of conditioning is ultimately ubiquitous. The fifth hypothesis was that conditioned responses have a tendency to be unstable and temporary. The sixth hypothesis was that substituted stimulus have chances of making other stimulus reflex. The seventh hypothesis was that the degree of response has a high amount of dependency on the strength the stimulus has. A summation effect of two stimuli can take place in certain cases. The last hypothesis was that conditioned responses could be attributed t o being extinguished. Neale (2017) has analysed that researchers who have examined the classical conditional theory of Pavlov and taken forward the research have put forward a number of criticisms of it. The researchers have opined that classical conditioning is a passive form of learning and it could be overcome with the help of cognitive factors. In the case of classical conditioning, it works best with natural reflexes and novel stimuli. A number of genetic predispositions can interfere with the principle of classical conditioning. In addition, the theory has been pointed out to be too simplistic and too deterministic. In addition, it does not consider individuals own cognition. The application of the theory to human beings have been a topic of debate, and therefore the number of opponents of the theory and the hypothesis of Pavlov has increased considerably. In words of Gershman et al., (2013) modern classical conditioning have been a major step in the way of bringing advancements in the work of Pavlov theory. Pavlov along with his contemporaries have viewed classical conditioning as a form of learning that originates from exposure of an organism to different associates of environmental occurrences. Modern classical conditioning theorists, such as R. Rescorla, have defined it in a more concise manner. The researcher puts emphasis on the principle that a temporal association between the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus is, at no circumstances, adequate for the occurrence of Pavlovian conditioning. As an alternative, conditioned stimulus needs to have some relation with some facts of the unconditioned stimulus. The significance that this distinction holds is reflected in the experiment undertaken by scientist Kamin. In the valuable experiment conducted by him, he exposed rats to a certain tone followed by a shock. As per the conditioning principles, the tone acted as a conditioned response. The same set of rats were then exposed to the tone, followed by a light and then a shock. At this case, the light did not act as a conditioning agent. The reason for this was that the tone had already established a relation with the arrival of the shock. Therefore, the information brought about by the light was useless and did not contribute to the conditioning. Though there was a temporary association between shock and light, it failed to bring about any form of conditioning. Neisser (2014) has pointed out that ensuing research of Pavlov had the aim of discovering the laws responsible for governing the relationship between stimulus. The associations were considered to be conditioned reflexes for differentiating them from other forms of reflexes that are unconditioned. At the contemporary era, the means by which a relation is established between an unconditioned response and a conditioned stimulus is known as classical conditioning. The observations received from such associations were the starting point of experiments conducted on this topic with the similar hypothesis. The various experiments that were undertaken in the following times had to deal with the understanding of how the associations between the stimulus and the response were built, sustained, attenuated or strengthened. For the next two and half decades, several experiments were conducted in the laboratory of Pavlov along the discussed lines. The thirst of going deep into the topic was so much that a number of vague proposals came up and different individuals gave different opinions and viewpoints. Pavlov had described the term psychic stimulation of gastric secretion in his book named Die Arbiet der Verdauungsdrusen, the first description of natural conditioned reflex came up later in the works of another research Dr Tolochinov. A wide array of researches had been published after that, however, there was a lack of comprehensive reports on conditioned reflexes. James (2013) outlined some of the most critical concepts founded on the basis of the experiment of Pavlov. The first concept was about the way a conditioned reflex is developed. Other concepts were regarding experimental extinction, spontaneous recovery, higher order conditioning, generalisation and discrimination. Groome and Eysenck (2016) discussed about the works of Vladimir Bekhterev and his take on the hypothesis of classical conditioning of Pavlov. As per the researchers, Bekhterev had pointed out multiple flaws in the work of Pavlov and did not agree with the hypothesis. The first flaw pointed out was the use of the saliva method. This was due to the fact that the saliva method is not proper to be applied to humans. In contrast, the method used by Bekhterev for studying the conditioned reflex with the help of mild electrical stimulation for the examination of motor reflexes was successful in demonstrating the presence of the discussed reflex even in human beings. The use of acid for encouraging saliva in animals was also put under questions by Bekhterev. Lastly, Bekhterev criticised the secretory reflex to be unreliable and unimportant. In conclusion from the above analysis it can be stated that Pavlovs experiments on classical conditioning could dramatically demonstrate the control of the environment upon behaviour. The hypothesis that individuals are responsive to cues in the environment has been analysed by the different researchers in the consecutive researches after Pavlov. In fact, there is an involvement of classical conditioning in every aspect of our lives. Therefore, bringing changes in our environment would be an effective method of self-help. Changing reactions towards the environment is an approach founded on the basis of classical conditioning. If conditioning can have a major role in bringing development in certain human factors, conditioning has also been seen to eliminate the factors. From the chain of experiments undertaken by different researchers after Pavlov, it can be demonstrated that a hypothesis grows stronger with the process of analysing it and considering it for different situations. From the point, Pavlov had put forward the hypothesis of classical conditioning, with each passing phase of further research the hypothesis has only grown stronger and has been supported by several proofs and direct and indirect evidence. Concepts from Pavlovian hypothesis have been found to have a number of ramifications. The hypothesis has been time and again considered for explaining many multi-faceted puzzling facades of behaviour exhibited by humans. In summation, individuals advancing the hypothesis of Pavlov have therefore treated the hypothesis in a manner described by Stence. References Alexander, L. (2013).Conditioning techniques in clinical practice and research. Springer. Chilcott, L. (2015). Who Are We: Behaviourism and Cognitive Theories: 2/5. Gershman, S. J., Jones, C. E., Norman, K. A., Monfils, M. H., Niv, Y. (2013). Gradual extinction prevents the return of fear: implications for the discovery of state.Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience,7, 164. Groome, D., Eysenck, M. (2016).An introduction to applied cognitive psychology. Psychology Press. Gross, R. (2014).Themes, issues and debates in psychology. Hodder Education. James, W. (2013).The principles of psychology. Read Books Ltd. Kalat, J. W. (2016).Introduction to psychology. Nelson Education. Keller, F. S., Schoenfeld, W. N. (2014).Principles of psychology: A systematic text in the science of behavior(Vol. 2). BF Skinner Foundation. Leary, M. R. (2016).Introduction to behavioral research methods. Pearson. Ly, A., Verhagen, J., Wagenmakers, E. J. (2016). Harold Jeffreyss default Bayes factor hypothesis tests: Explanation, extension, and application in psychology.Journal of Mathematical Psychology,72, 19-32. Moodley, J. K. (2016). Psychologythemes and variations.New Voices in Psychology,11(2), 108-111. Neale, M. C. (2017). Introduction to Psychology. Neisser, U. (2014).Cognitive psychology: Classic edition. Psychology Press. Peter, V. E. (2014). Introduction to psychology.Instructor. Rescorla, R. A. (2014).Pavlovian Second-Order Conditioning (Psychology Revivals): Studies in Associative Learning. Psychology Press. Sterne, L. (1840). The Works...: With a Life of the Author. Grigg Elliot.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Spiritual Root Of My Resilience Essay Example For Students

The Spiritual Root Of My Resilience Essay a. Islam, stands as the spiritual root of my resilience. Whatever the almighty does has a perfect meaning and he and only Him knows what he is doing. Concerning my emotion, they have failed to provide me a deep root, I simply can not use emotion to actually build up my resilience, however, playing on my psychological root can support both psychological and emotional roots. Today, I can say that I am an optimistic person. I trained my brain to actually pursue a goal whatever difficulty it encounters, and today it works. My cultural root are based on the idea that a man is only successful outside the household. Having this idea in mind, I have to always be excellent and successful, even in difficult moment. I have to find positivity and if not, I have to create way to build this positivity. b. In my culture, people are mainly focused on an idea based on gender. We will write a custom essay on The Spiritual Root Of My Resilience specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now My culture would generally tell me that I am a Man, I should not cry, I should still raise up and fight for what I want. However, during the past two years, I have been exposed to the idea of â€Å"failing forward†. This expression is based on the idea that even if I fall most of the time, I should keep on going and keep on going. I have been taught that overcoming situation or building resilience is a process that needs time. First, I have to identify the situation, I have to then understand it, and then try to find a solution to it. In this way, I tried for a long time to apply the past methods. Months after months, I think that I am getting better in overcoming adversity and challenges. In addition, I have been taught to always compare myself only to myself, not to others. If I need to compare myself to others, I should only take them as as example, an I should not wa. . time accomplish that by hanging around people that I trust. I can give myself a 8 out of 10. d. For me the best thing to do to improve this situation is to adapt to this environment. I am really and hardly trying to get use to this place. And I do believe that it will work. I am optimistic that I will soon get use to this place. I believe that after adapting to this place, I will be able to increase step by step in the 6 areas. I, in fact noticed that the six areas are interconnected. They rely on each others and this is actually what make me more motivated on working on them. I think that confidence is one thing I will have to increase. I will make more meaningful friend and really interact into deep and meaningful people and build up skills that will enable me to evaluate myself on a Berkeley’s standard. Once I feel I am at home, I will be ale to be at ease.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Battle of Iwo Jima essays

The Battle of Iwo Jima essays War is hell. Theres no doubt about it. Its so terrifying that it sends chills down peoples spines just thinking about. It is the one thing that can give freedom, yet at the same time suck the life-the soul from someone. Picture this: you just landed on a foreign beach with thousands of other invading American soldiers. The sound of bombs exploding all around you is deafening. The enemys fire has already made it impossible to take a step let alone breathe. Theres panic, but its an organized panic. Your sweating palms are loosening your death grip on your assault rifle. You sense the ice rushing through your veins. Fear. Bullets are whizzing past your head ever which way, and your fellow soldiers are being gunned down as if they were tissue paper. There are screams of extreme pain and agony. The stench of dirt and warm blood makes you feel nauseated. The only thing you are thinking about is getting out of there alive and in one piece. This may seem like just another scene you only see in movies, but this is similar to what actually happened at the battle of Iwo Jima. This historic battle was one of the most significant battles during WWII. First of all, the island of Iwo Jima was of strategic importance to both Japan and the United States. This 7.5 square mile sulfurous island was vital to Japan because it was considered to be Japanese turf, and it was located only 650 miles from Japans capital city, Tokyo. In all of Japans 5,000 year history, no foreign army has every set foot on Japanese soil (Japanese). If the U.S. invaded Iwo Jima, the significance of that would surely turn some heads. To the Japanese leadership, the capture of Iwo Jima meant the battle for Okinawa, and the invasion of Japan itself, was not far off (Battle). Iwo Jimas importance, to the United States, was none other than its convenient location. Iwo Jima rested halfway ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Conspiracy theory about aliens Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Conspiracy theory about aliens - Research Paper Example However, since there is no hard evidence for their existence, hence this paper argues that aliens are not real. It is very logical to be skeptic on the issue of the existence of aliens, because their existence is such a statement that is extraordinary, and any statement that is extra ordinary requires extraordinary evidence, which has never been put forward. Once in a blue moon, somebody sights strange lights in the sky, or an aircraft maneuvering in a bizarre fashion before disappearing, or a weird object lying in a desolate place, and calls it evidence that the earth is being visited by extraterrestrial beings called aliens. Is it logical enough to call these claims as hard evidences leading to the existence of aliens? Unbelievable. Vaeni (371) states: â€Å"Aliens aren’t real, they’re hallucinations and misinterpretations. They are a pop culture phenomenon. They are a conspiracy from the government†¦Ã¢â‚¬  There are a lot of activities that humans are conducting in space for the sake of research, scrutiny and security; and, sighting some of these moves and calling them extraterrestrial activities is purely unreasoned, irrational and humorous. Moreover, it is not rational to believe that life can exist in the form of beings like us or other forms in other planets, where there is no air, water or food. Research has been done which proves that there is no such thing found in other planets that may be able to support life in any form. Srivastava (79) writes in his book: â€Å"Our earth is a unique planet; we have all those conditions, which are not found on any other planet. Here we have air, water soil and minerals, moderate temperatures suitable for sustaining life on earth.† Then, how is it possible that life exists on other planets? It is matter of common sense that since earth can support life, human beings can sustain life and become individuals that use modern tools and technologies to bring comfort to their lives. The conditions of earth support

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Literacture review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Literacture review - Essay Example However, critics have noted that, it is only by allowing ethnicity to thrive and be respected, that some measure of equality can be achieved – since it is difficult for people to completely separate themselves from their ethnic roots and take to a foreign culture (Salvidar 27). Furthermore, Rodriguez links his views of the Affirmative Action Program to a critique of bilingual education, claiming that â€Å"all children must abandon the[ir] language of origin in order to enter public society.† (Rodriguez 27). In this essay I will firstly outline the difficulties of integration faced by ethnic minority groups, in addition to taking into account the complexities of learning English as a second language. Secondly I will consider Rodriguez’s justification for assimilation, before assessing critiques of his work, which simultaneously serve to support the rationale on which approaches to combat racial discrimination, such as the Affirmative Action Program, are based. As a Korean bilingual student, learning English as a second language, to me Rodriguez’s views appear unrealistic and impractical for everyone to achieve. The difficulties that second language students face in learning English are a function of the differences in their own native tongues. There may be three major aspects that affect a student’s ability to learn English : (a) their low level of understanding and self esteem, (b) the different systems of sounds in different languages and (c) differences in grammar. When a student has continuously spoken and studied one language before trying to learn English, the native language tends to interfere with the learning of English. However, this cannot form the basis for completely rejecting the native tongue and bilingual education, as Rodriguez suggests. Instead, there may be a need to reform teaching and learning methods. Similarly, when taking into account the Affirmative Action

Monday, November 18, 2019

Integrated assessment on case study for Choc Deluxe Assignment

Integrated assessment on case study for Choc Deluxe - Assignment Example Management decisions in times of business crisis are very crucial for the success of the firm and continuity through the crisis. Choc-Deluxe is facing a shortage of its main raw material, chocolate. Unfortunately for the company, its chocolate forms its competitive advantage in the market since customers are willing to pay more for the chocolate. This implies that the firm had to devise ways to overcome the pending problem. The management decided to sort the pending orders through a substitute product carob. The product is believed to have similar taste to cacao and thus could be used to make chocolate bars for the Christmas season. The plan backfired as the customers lodge complaints and legal suits about the low quality chocolate. Consequently, the firm did not disclose accurate information about the contents of its chocolate as required by law. The situation in the cocoa market is that there is more demand for raw cocoa than supply. The situation is that more cocoa is being consumed that it is actually grown. This had led to decline in the supplies of cocoa. According to the laws of demand and supply, prices shoot up when demand exceeds supply (Arnold 2010, p.87). Increased demand in fast developing countries such as India, China and Brazil among other markets, leave cocoa dependent firms in a dilemma on substitute raw material (Müller 2011, p.8). Cocoa plants take around 5 years to mature. This implies that there is an urgent need to address the prevailing problem otherwise firms would go bankrupt before new plants mature. This is due to the high cost of obtaining pure cocoa and more firms willing to pay more for the product. Shortage of cocoa can be attributed to increased globalization that leads to the emergence of many firms that use cocoa as raw material (Dand 2011 p.79-87). The commodity became very valuable and

Friday, November 15, 2019

Cultural and Language Barriers in Communication

Cultural and Language Barriers in Communication Cultural and language barriers to effective business communication in manufacturing and construction industries in the city of Charlotte of North Carolina and ways to overcome them the last decade. The foreign-born workers in the city of Charlotte have been expanded and they are increasingly becoming a vital part of the community and local workforce. While many foreign-born workers have assimilated into the workplace, others make an effort to overcome cultural and language barriers that exist. In my opinion, it is in the best interest of employers to better understand and help bridge the cultural and language divide as more foreign-born workers stream into the workforce. Being proactive in helping break down these barriers can reduce costly, on-the-job accidents caused by workers not fully understanding safety rules or operational procedures, improve employers ability to recruit, hire and retain workers; and increase workers productivity. According to U.S Census Bureau from the article Foreign-Born Population in the United States the author argues that like other metropolitan areas around the country, Charlotte-Mecklenburg has experienced significant increases in foreign-born residents and workers over the last decade. In 1990, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that approximately 3.5% of Mecklenburg Countys population was foreign-born, or around 18,000 people. While official 2000 Census data on the foreign-born population will not be released until late 2002, preliminary Census information reveals a 162% increase in Mecklenburg Countys Asian population between 1990 and 2000 and a 570% increase in the Hispanic/Latino population. Together, these two population segments accounted for more than one-quarter (28.2%) of the countys overall population growth during the decade. Immigrants from other regions of the world are also rising in number, further diversifying Charlotte-Mecklenburgs population. According to the 2000 Census, approximately 21,000 non- Hispanic or Asian immigrants were living in Mecklenburg County in 2000. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools reports that over 84 languages are now spoken within the international student population. The Census Bureau projects we will continue to see increases in our foreign-born population over the next several decades, particularly Hispanic/Latino residents. The number of new Hispanic residents is expected to increase at a rate of 10 million people every 10 years nationwide. According to the Bureau, the western states will likely see the largest increases, followed by south and southeastern states. North Carolina currently ranks 9th among all states in the number of Mexican-born residents. (U.S. Census Bureau, 2000) According to the web site In some cultures, a social hierarchy often exists that can create bumps in communication in the workplace. For example, in many countries, women are subordinate to men. Working in an American business, women from these countries may feel uncomfortable or violated in some way. In contrast, males with such cultural backgrounds may not adapt well to working equally with females or having female supervisors. ( This opinion indicates that there is a difference between males and females, men and women about the perception of roles and status that each of them can adapt in the workplace. This understanding of interaction between sexes and roles assigned in various cultures can be very important for employers to take it into account. According to the journal article Language management in multinational companies the author argues that body language says a lot, but it can be interpreted differently in the world. For example most Americans typically signal no in shaking their heads, but people from dome countries raise their chins. (Alan J. Feely, Anne-Wil Harzing 2003, p.37) I think body language is very important for the workplace to be adapted. Several people have different kinds of elements in body language such as shaking their heads and hands, raise their chins and also eye contact. Cultural differences in non-verbal behaviours are a common source of misunderstandings and conflict in the workplace. For instance, many westerners like to make eye contact, interpreting it as an indication of interest and honesty. They also show friendliness through relaxed body language. If these behaviours do not happen, it can be interpreted as shiftiness, coldness and disinterest. However, in some cultures, averted eyes and non-demonstrable behaviour are a sign of courtesy and respect. Being aware of these nuances will help you to reduce negative impressions in inter-cultural communications among your staff. All these reactions have different meanings from people who come from different cultures. According to the newspaper article International relations the journalist says that in many cultures religion dominates life in a way that is often difficult for Americans to understand. (Network World, p.47) I believe that is very difficult for Americans to understand religion differences that occur among cultures. For example, workers from some Muslim cultures may want to pray three times a day in accordance with theirs values and beliefs. There may also be religious holidays on which people of certain religions are forbidden to work or need to follow certain customs. For some of them maybe is a way of life to respect all these things and also these differences need to be respected from others, and the needs associated with religious commitments understood and sensitively negotiated within the workplace. Clear communication on both sides about these issues is to be encouraged, where possible and not ignored. According to the book Intercultural communication for Business the author argues that hygiene and grooming, as well as attire can vary from country to country and culture to culture. (Elizabeth A. Tuleja, 2005; p55) Some people may wear attire such as a headdress as part of their customs and beliefs. So, to remain true to all this tradition workers may want to continue to wear this dress in the American workplace. Employers may view this as inappropriate or unsafe but is part of their culture to dress like this and it must also be respectable from their supervisors or employers. It is particularly problematic in businesses in which workers wear uniforms. In another example, immigrants from India, Turkey or other countries may use spices in their diets that are emitted through the body. American workers can interpret this as dirty or unhygienic. Employers have to handle these issues sensitively and proactively to avoid unnecessary conflict and distress. Thus, the personal appearance is another factor that is very important on the workplace and entails differences among various countries and cultures. Clearly it is the responsibility of immigrant workers to learn English and adapt to the cultural norms in the American workplace. However, this can take time. Employers have much to gain from helping their workers bridge the cultural divide. Too many employers expecting immigrant workers to figure things out for themselves, which doesnt work in many cases. Nor is it a wise business decision. The benefits to employers of investing time and resources in helping immigrant workers adapt to the workplace include increased productivity and performance, greater trust and loyalty among workers and improved safety. This can translate into higher business profits in the long run. So, human resource professionals have to offer some tips or suggestions for employers who want to strengthen and retain their immigrant workforce. Employers have to learn as much as they can about the culture of the people they are dealing with, particularly if they employ several people from the same cultural background. According to the journal article Overcoming Cultural and Language Barriers in Facilitation and Training the author argues that getting to know a persons culture is a first step to getting to know them as individuals. (Anthony Griffin, 2002, p.37) Thus, employers have to respect individual differences, abilities and personalities. Even though people may share a common language or culture, it doesnt mean they are alike, any more than all Americans are alike. Stereotyping discounts individuals and can limit options for them in the workplace. An other suggestion for employers can be to provide an orientation program for new hires that addresses some of the cultural differences and language barriers. This can help head off confusing or potentially unpleasant experiences for international employees. Moreover, employers can consider having co-workers serve as mentors or coaches to help new workers adapt to the culture and vocabulary of the workplace. Furthermore, when employers working with immigrants, have to refrain from using jargon or slang that might not translate well. They have to choose words that convey the most specific meaning and stick to one topic at a time. According to the book Hiring and Managing a Culturally Diverse Workforce the author argues that when employers have to train immigrant employees, make sure they understand their training material and why it is useful to them. (Brian K. Linhardt, 2000; p.53) Employers can use techniques such as graphics or demonstrations to illustrate points whenever possible. Often the lack of effective training tools and qualified instructors can leave immigrant workers out of the training loop and limit their opportunities to enhance their skills and advance in the workplace. Also, employers have to never assume that their communication with the workers with limited English-speaking abilities has been understood. It will be a good idea for them to ask for feedback or for demonstration, particularly when employers are training the workers. According to the magazine article Cultural Sensitivity Makes Good Business Sense the journalist argues that employers have to recognize the broad ethnic diversity that exists within groups. (HR Magazine, p.67) These groups might be Hispanics or Asians. Employers dont have to assume that everyone shares common cultural backgrounds or languages just because they came from the same region of the world. Someone labeled Hispanic may come from the mountains of Chili, a large Central American city or a rural village in Mexico. The same is true for immigrants from the many different Asian countries where cultures and languages vary widely. In addition, employers have to be patient with their workforce. A thoughtful supervisor or co-worker can make all the difference in helping and prevent feelings of inadequacy and embarrassment when a person cannot express him or herself clearly or fully. Moreover, employers can recruit bilingual managers and supervisors to server as the communication link between cultures and engage co-workers to serve as translators while people are learning English. Also, if there is a large number of people in need of learning English, employers can help and educate those people to learn English as a second language. The lessons can be taught during the lunch hour or other times during the day. To do so, it is important to create a safe environment for learning. Helping people learn English is a way to build trust and loyalty. According to the book Bridging Cultural Barriers for Corporate Success the author argues that employers have to help workers take care of their basic survival needs (Sondra Thiederman, 1991, p.89) For example, helping them find transportation to and from work can reduce fears of the unknown and build trust and loyalty with the worker. Companies can have cooperation with the city of Charlotte and make contracts to provide vanpool vans to transport a group of immigrants workers to and from work at little cost to the companies or the workers. Other ways to help may include assisting workers establish credit or file income tax returns, which can seem to be monumental tasks for someone who doesnt know the system. Furthermore, employers have to provide sensitivity training to native workers in the company to make them more aware of and sensitive toward the different cultural differences. Needless to say, that employers have to promote immigrants when appropriate, not only to give people more opportunities, but to show other immigrants that they can advance if they prove themselves. It is a reward for them to be promoted and also a fair system of the workforce evaluation. The first source describes and gives a demographic evaluation of the foreign workforce in the city of Charlotte. The following four sources deal with the cultural and language barriers in the workplace. On the web site the factors that have been described are roles and status. Each culture has its own social hierarchy and that feature affects communication in the workplace. On the other hand the journal article describes the characteristics of body language. Body language can be interpreted differently among different cultures in the workplace. Each culture has different meanings and codes which are derived from body language. Apart from the web site and journal article, the newspaper article rely on religion. Religion is a very important part of peoples life and for some cultures is actually a way of life to depend on it, and so that has an impact to the workplace environment. The last source that has derived from the book mentions that different personal appearance has to do from v arious countries and cultures. So, inappropriate or unsafe attire in a workplace environment can provoke the behavior of employers or supervisors. The last four sources describe the ways in which employers can help bridge the cultural and language divide in the workplace. On the journal article the author explains that employers have to respect individual differences, abilities and personalities in order to have a better idea about the persons culture and also get to know him as individual. On the other hand, according to the book Hiring and Managing a Culturally Diverse Workforce the author explains the importance of the training of immigrant employees and how must be implemented in order to understand the immigrants the training material and why it is useful for them. Apart from the journal article and the book, the magazine article rely on the ability of the employer to recognize the broad ethnic diversity that exists within groups. Employers dont have to assume that everyone shares common cultural backgrounds or languages just because they came from the same region of the world. The last source that derived from the book Bridging Cultural Barriers for Corporate Success mentions that employers have to help workers take care of their basic survival needs, such as helping them find transportation to and from work in order to feel more comfortable. The amount of information that each source describes may not be so much but the authors of each source explain the topic in depth. Each of the author mentions one characteristic that is relevant for the topic and can all be explained more with examples in every day life. Furthermore, the kind of information that each of the source contains has to do with the opinions and personal views of the authors that are derived by personal experience, research and professionalism about topics that occur in contemporary business society. I believe that the subject is very clear and is helpful to me to understand the topic, so to provide the appropriate details and explanations to cover the subject and analyze the thesis statement in order to fulfill the purpose of the topic. All language and cultural barriers may not have such dire consequences, but they can contribute to a lack of productivity, mistakes being made or general lack of trust between the employer and workers, all of which could be avoided if communication were clearer. Even if workers can speak English fairly well, the lingo, slang or jargon that is commonly used by Americans or is specific to different industries can create difficulties for foreign workers. We take it for granted that everyone knows what we are talking about. Not knowing these terms does not imply a person isnt smart or capable, but he or she simply may not have learned the words or jargon that are commonly used by others on the job or in everyday conversation. In my opinion, I believe that it depends to the employer to help the foreign workforce to adapt more easily in the new culture for them, the American culture. In addition, the foreign workforce has to try to do their best but mostly it is in the best interest of employers to better understand and help bridge the cultural and language divide as more foreign-born workers stream into the workforce. Because ethnic diversity is part of the new reality of the American workplace, it is important for the business community, workforce educators, trainers and other human resource professionals to gain a better understanding of and sensitivity to language barriers and cultural differences among workers from all backgrounds. Such understanding and sensitivity will help employers increase recruitment, hiring, retention and advancement of immigrant workers. Ultimately, it will help businesses remain competitive by maintaining a stable, productive and safe workforce.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Various Types of Love in Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet :: Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

What is love? Love means a worm liking or affection toward another person. Through out the play Romeo and Juliet various types of love are displayed by several characters. Benvolio believes that women are interchangeable and at the beginning of the play Romeo believes love is a pain. While Juliet does not even have a have a definition of love, Paris and Lady Capulet defines it by appearance. Mercutio is unable to understand love and the nurse believes that marring some one is better than no one, even though you despise that person. Even though Paris’s’ love for Juliet was seen as a mere affection for her beauty and Paris had planed to marry Juliet through an arranged marriage, but as the play gets to and end it is show that Paris truly did love Juliet. Paris is a noble and a friend of lord Capulet. He asks for Juliet’s hand in marriage earlier in the play, â€Å"Younger than her happy mother made,† where he is not given an exact answer. His love for Juliet is an infatuation, but one can argue, that it was true love because he had promised to visit Juliet’s grave with a rose, every day until his death. â€Å"Sweet flower with flowers thy bridal bed I stew,† This enforces the fact that he could have truly loves Juliet. Paris had arrives at the house of Capulet extra early on the day his wedding, â€Å"Make Haste, The bridegroom he is come already.† Again it can be reason that his love for Juliet was real but he also talks of Juliet as a procession or a conquest. I t is uncertain that Paris’s love for Juliet is genuine but one thing is for certain, Juliet despised Paris. Mercutio’s perception of love is crude, obscene and sexual, similar to of the Nurse. It is certain that he does not understand true love and does not believe in it. â€Å"By her high forehead and her scarlet looks and by her fine foot straight leg,† Mercutio explains his view of Romeo’s affection toward Rosaline and it is unquestionably sexual. Many of Mercutio’s speeches consist of nonsense but they happen to be long and contain obscene concepts to them such as the infamous â€Å"Queen mab† speech in Act 1. â€Å"Prick love for Pricking, and you beat love down,† as Benvolio, Mercutio believes that females are interchangeable. Mercutio always manages to turn a simple discussion into a coarse and obscene conversation such as, â€Å"She had a better love to berhyme her. Various Types of Love in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet :: Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet What is love? Love means a worm liking or affection toward another person. Through out the play Romeo and Juliet various types of love are displayed by several characters. Benvolio believes that women are interchangeable and at the beginning of the play Romeo believes love is a pain. While Juliet does not even have a have a definition of love, Paris and Lady Capulet defines it by appearance. Mercutio is unable to understand love and the nurse believes that marring some one is better than no one, even though you despise that person. Even though Paris’s’ love for Juliet was seen as a mere affection for her beauty and Paris had planed to marry Juliet through an arranged marriage, but as the play gets to and end it is show that Paris truly did love Juliet. Paris is a noble and a friend of lord Capulet. He asks for Juliet’s hand in marriage earlier in the play, â€Å"Younger than her happy mother made,† where he is not given an exact answer. His love for Juliet is an infatuation, but one can argue, that it was true love because he had promised to visit Juliet’s grave with a rose, every day until his death. â€Å"Sweet flower with flowers thy bridal bed I stew,† This enforces the fact that he could have truly loves Juliet. Paris had arrives at the house of Capulet extra early on the day his wedding, â€Å"Make Haste, The bridegroom he is come already.† Again it can be reason that his love for Juliet was real but he also talks of Juliet as a procession or a conquest. I t is uncertain that Paris’s love for Juliet is genuine but one thing is for certain, Juliet despised Paris. Mercutio’s perception of love is crude, obscene and sexual, similar to of the Nurse. It is certain that he does not understand true love and does not believe in it. â€Å"By her high forehead and her scarlet looks and by her fine foot straight leg,† Mercutio explains his view of Romeo’s affection toward Rosaline and it is unquestionably sexual. Many of Mercutio’s speeches consist of nonsense but they happen to be long and contain obscene concepts to them such as the infamous â€Å"Queen mab† speech in Act 1. â€Å"Prick love for Pricking, and you beat love down,† as Benvolio, Mercutio believes that females are interchangeable. Mercutio always manages to turn a simple discussion into a coarse and obscene conversation such as, â€Å"She had a better love to berhyme her.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Align Risk, Threats, & Vulnerabilities Essay

a. Unauthorized access from public internet – HIGH b. User destroys data in application and deletes all files – LOW c. Workstation OS has a known software vulnerability – HIGH d. Communication circuit outages – MEDIUM e. User inserts CD’s and USB hard drives with personal photos, music and videos on organization owned computers – MEDIUM 2. a. PO9.3 Event Identification – Identify threats with potential negative impact on the enterprise, including business, regulatory, legal, technology, trading partner, human resources and operational aspects. b. PO9.4 Risk Assessment – Assess the likelihood and impact of risks, using qualitative and quantitative methods. c. PO9.5 Risk Response – Develop a response designed to mitigate exposure to each risk – Identify risk strategies such as avoidance, reduction, acceptance – determine associated responsibilities; and consider risk tolerance levels. a. Unauthorized access from public internet – AVAILABILITY b. User destroys data in application and deletes all files – INTEGRITY c. Workstation OS has a known software vulnerability – CONFIDENTIALITY d. Communication circuit outages – AVAILABILITY e. User inserts CD’s and USB hard drives with personal photos, music and videos on organization owned computers – INTEGRITY 4. a. Unauthorized access from public internet – Operating system, software patches, updates, change passwords often, and hardware or software firewall. b. User destroys data in application and deletes all files – Restrict access for users to only those systems, applications, and data needed to perform their jobs. Minimize write/delete permissions to the data owner only. c. Workstation OS has a known software vulnerability – Define a workstation application software vulnerability window policy. Update application software and security patches according to defined policies, standards, procedures, and guidelines. d. Communication circuit outages – the role of countermeasures against catastrophic failures is not to eliminate them which is impossible, but to reduce their frequency and severity. e. User inserts CD’s and USB hard drives with personal photos, music and videos on organization owned computers – Disable internal CD drives and USB ports. Enable automatic antivirus scans for inserted media drives, files and e-mail attachments. An antivirus scanning system examines all new files on your computer’s hard drive for viruses. Set up antivirus scanning for e-mails with attachments. The Risk Management Process a. Step 1 Identify the hazards b. Step 2 Decide who might be harmed and how c. Step 3 Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions d. Step 4 Record your findings and implement them e. Step 5 Review your assessment and update if necessary 5. a. Threat or Vulnerability #1: * Information – Social engineering/ install web filtering software. * Application – Malicious and non-malicious threats consist of inside attacks by disgruntled or malicious employees and outside attacks by non-employees just looking to harm and disrupt an organization/ computer security, software quality, and data quality programs. * Infrastructure – Terrorist organizations, both foreign and domestic/Natural forces such as time, weather and neglect. * People – Careless employees/Educating users b. Threat or Vulnerability #2: * Information – Intentional/Unintentional Action, battery backup/generator, journaling file system and RAID storage * Application – Software bugs/ malicious act, antivirus protection and network firewalls * Infrastructure – Power failure, Hardware failure/security fixes and system patches * People – malicious act/ Educating users c. Threat or Vulnerability #3: * Information – zero-hour or day zero/ Zero-day protection, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) * Application – Keeping the computer’s software up-to-date * Infrastructure – malicious software/analyze, test, report and mitigate. * People – Careless employees/Educating users 6. True or False – COBIT P09 Risk Management controls objectives focus on assessment and management of IT risk. 7. Why is it important to address  each identified threat or vulnerability from a C-I-A perspective? 8. When assessing the risk impact a threat or vulnerability has on your â€Å"information† assets, why must you align this assessment with your Data Classification Standard? How can a Data Classification Standard help you assess the risk impact on your â€Å"information† assets? 9. When assessing the risk impact a threat or vulnerability has on your â€Å"application† and â€Å"infrastructure†, why must you align this assessment with both a server and application software vulnerability assessment and remediation plan? 10. When assessing the risk impact a threat or vulnerability has on your â€Å"people†, we are concerned with users and employees within the User Domain as well as the IT security practitioners who must implement the risk mitigation steps identified. How can you communicate to your end-user community that a security threat or vulnerability has been identified for a production system or application? How can you prioritize risk remediation tasks? 11. What is the purpose of using the COBIT risk management framework and approach? Assess the likelihood and impact of risks, using qualitative and quantitative methods. 12. What is the difference between effectiveness versus efficiency when assessing risk and risk management? Effectiveness is following the instruction of a specific job while efficiency is doing the instruction in lesser time and cost. They say Effectiveness is doing what’s right and efficiency is doing things rightly done. 13. Which three of the seven focus areas pertaining to IT risk management are primary focus areas of risk assessment and risk management and directly relate to information system security? 14. Why is it important to assess risk impact from four different perspectives as part of the COBIT P09 Framework? It assigns responsibility. 15. What is the name of the organization who defined the COBIT P09 Risk Management Framework Definition? Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA).

Friday, November 8, 2019

Geographical and Historical Overview of Poland

Geographical and Historical Overview of Poland Poland is a country located in central Europe to the east of Germany. It lies along the Baltic Sea and today has a growing economy centered on industry and the service sector. Population: 38,482,919 (July 2009 estimate)Capital: WarsawArea: 120,728 square miles (312,685 sq km)Bordering Countries: Belarus, Czech Republic, Germany, Lithuania, Russia, Slovakia, UkraineCoastline: 273 miles (440 km)Highest Point: Rysy at 8,034 feet (2,449 m)Lowest Point: Raczki Elblaskie at -6.51 feet (-2 m) History of Poland The first people to inhabit Poland were the Polanie from southern Europe in the 7th and 8th centuries. In the 10th century, Poland became Catholic. Shortly thereafter, Poland was invaded by Prussia and divided. Poland remained divided among many different peoples until the 14th century. At this time it grew due to a union by marriage with Lithuania in 1386. This created a strong Polish-Lithuanian state. Poland maintained this unification until the 1700s when Russia, Prussia and Austria again divided the country several times. By the 19th century however, the Polish had a revolt due to the foreign control of the country and in 1918, Poland became an independent nation after World War I. In 1919, Ignace Paderewski became Polands first prime minister. During World War II, Poland was attacked by Germany and Russia and in 1941 it was taken over by Germany. During Germanys occupation of Poland much of its culture was destroyed and there were mass executions of its Jewish citizens. In 1944, the government of Poland was replaced with the communist Polish Committee of National Liberation by the Soviet Union. The Provisional Government was then established in Lublin and members of Polands former government later joined to form the Polish Government of National Unity. In August 1945, U.S. President Harry S. Truman, Joseph Stalin, and Britains Prime Minister Clement Attlee worked to shift Polands borders. On August 16, 1945, the Soviet Union and Poland signed a treaty which shifted Polands borders west. In total Poland lost 69,860 square miles (180,934 square kilometers) in the east and in the west it gained 38,986 square miles (100,973 square kilometers). Until 1989, Poland maintained a close relationship with the Soviet Union. Throughout the 1980s, Poland also experienced a large amount of civil unrest and strikes by industrial workers. In 1989, the trade union Solidarity was granted permission contest government elections and in 1991, under the first free elections in Poland, Lech Walesa became the countrys first president. Government of Poland Today Poland is a democratic republic with two legislative bodies. These bodies are the upper Senate or Senat and a lower house called the Sejm. Each of the members for these legislative bodies are elected by the public. Polands executive branch consists of a chief of state and a head of government. The chief of state is the president, while the head of government is the prime minister. The legislative branch of Polands government is the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Tribunal. Poland is divided into 16 provinces for local administration. Economics and Land Use in Poland Poland currently has a successfully growing economy and has practiced a transition to more economic freedom since 1990. The largest economies in Poland are machine building, iron, steel, coal mining, chemicals, shipbuilding, food processing, glass, beverages and textiles. Poland also has a large agricultural sector with products that include potatoes, fruits, vegetables, wheat, poultry, eggs, pork and dairy products. Geography and Climate of Poland Most of Polands topography is low lying and makes up a part of the North European Plain. There are many rivers throughout the country and the largest is Vistula. The northern part of Poland has a more varied topography and features many lakes and hilly areas. Polands climate is temperate with cold, wet winters and mild, rainy summers. Warsaw, Polands capital, has an average January high temperature of 32 F (0.1 C) and a July average high of 75 F (23.8 C). More Facts about Poland Polands life expectancy is 74.4 years The literacy rate in Poland is 99.8 percent Poland is 90 percent Catholic Resources and Further Reading Central Intelligence Agency. (2010, April 22). CIA - The World Factbook - Poland. Retrieved from: (n.d.) Poland: History, Geography, Government, and Culture - Retrieved from:, H.F. 1999. Geographica World Atlas Encyclopedia. Random House Australia.United States Department of State. (2009, October). Poland (10/09). Retrieved from:

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

3 Job Search Mistakes That Are Killing Your Chances

3 Job Search Mistakes That Are Killing Your Chances Looking for a job can feel like throwing pasta at the wall to see what sticks. Conventional wisdom tells us to keep doing everything we can until something does stick. But is that actually helpful? Here are some common job search mistakes that you should  be careful to avoid  while you’re on a job hunt. 1.  You apply for jobs that you aren’t qualified forThere’s definitely an aspirational part of job hunting, especially if you’re looking to move up. That can be dangerous, though, if it means you’re applying for jobs where you know you don’t quite fit the experience level the company is seeking. On a basic level, it could mean that your resume gets skipped altogether. If your resume makes the cut and you make it to the next point (an interview of some kind), falling short in experience could get your hopes up for an inevitable disappointment when they go with someone who better fits the job description.Similarly, using phrases like †Å"fast learner† and â€Å"adapts to any new role† in your cover letter or resume may sound like a good way to spin if you’re reaching a bit, but you could just be setting yourself up for disappointment and an even longer hunt. . The reach-for-the-stars attitude is admirable, but it might not match up with reality.2.  You don’t network or grow your influenceBack in the old days, people would find out about job openings in the newspaper, send in a resume by mail (with a stamp, no less), and wait patiently to hear back. The internet has accelerated this process greatly, making it easier than ever to find and identify opportunities. But you know how else people found jobs in the old days? Good old-fashioned word of mouth and recommendations. That part isn’t as outdated as the snail mail application process.Job openings are still often filled by candidates who have an â€Å"in† somehow with the hiring company, and search engines just can’ t replicate that personal touch. So if you want to be the one with an in, you need to look for a better way into a company. Try to connect via LinkedIn- do you have any first- or second-degree contacts who work at your target company? If so, finagle that into an introduction and you can be the candidate with a personal introduction and a leg up.3. You’re too proactiveBeing proactive is great. Being proactive can show you’re a go-getter. However, being proactive does not mean constantly reaching out to the HR department for status updates once you’ve applied or interviewed. I know how frustrating it can be to wait and wait and wait and wait when you’re anxious to hear what’s going on. Pace your floor if you have to, but don’t reach out to HR unless it’s been more than a week of radio silence. For starters, HR might be in a holding pattern while the hiring manager sees all of the candidates or is simply too busy to wrap up the process. Whatever the reason, haunting HR once a day is not going to endear you to the people you’re hoping will hire you.If any of these sound familiar, you shouldn’t feel badly. We’re all guilty of these things at one time or another. Just know that they can slow down your job search and even hurt your chances for getting into the right position. So be patient, be realistic, and be sure that your efforts will pay off in the long run.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Leadership,strategy&change Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Leadership,strategy&change - Assignment Example Apple has risen to be world’s best business organisation in the areas of manufacturing, designing and selling consumer electronics, PCs and computer software (Hertzfeld 2004). Initially, the company was a market leader in the production of Mac personal computers with the company deriving success in introducing new features based on consumer preferences. However, Apple has sought to diversify into other markets within the technology-based industry as it released the iPod (world’s first media player device), the iPhone series of phones which are recognized as pioneer smart phone and the the iPad tablet computers. These innovations were also directed towards consumer software products such as the OS X and iOS operating systems followed by a customized media browser, web browser (Safari), iTunes, and a number of creative suites including iWork and iLife (Fisher 2008). These technological moves ensured Apple moved from being a solely personal computer manufacturer to recogni tion as leading producer of operating software, consumer electronics and consumer software (Young and Simon 2005. Apple is one of the technology driven companies that have had the greatest impact in the consumer electronics industry although there some challenges along the way. One of the greatest challenges that Apple successfully weathered is the threat of bankruptcy the company faced in 1997 but a number of changes and strategies have over the years led to change of fortune with the company returning to solvency. The company’s transformation has been noted to be a result of transformations that led to profitable operations as the management focused on production of consumer electronics based on high standards of innovation, prestige and quality. Consumer loyalty has played a significant role in the turnaround as Apple focuses on launching features that captivates the interests of

Friday, November 1, 2019

Effectiveness and Extent of the Convergence between Public and Private Research Paper

Effectiveness and Extent of the Convergence between Public and Private Security over the Next Decade - Research Paper Example es helping private firms and individuals to identify crime and other insecurity problems and report them to the government officials for law enforcement. Private security officers offer private risk management consultancies, implement security approaches to protect private property against theft and fire, and also investigate frauds in private companies. There are various private security companies which carry out those security functions mentioned above. The public and private securities have recently been seen to converge as they help each other to combat insecurity issues in the society. The success of community security can be achieved through partnership building between the private and public security. Convergence of private and public security enhances identification of opportunities for collaboration in the security sector in order to encourage innovation in problem-solving and decision making; hence making it easier for security personnel to deal with security issues and meet the needs of the society in terms of security. Collaboration between private and public security opens doors for effective problem-solving through technology and innovation. This convergence between the public and private security also enhances advanced community policing and achievement of mutual goals in the private and public sector. Therefore, the convergence between the public and private security is expected to expand and become effective over the next decade due to its benefits to the society. The convergence between private and public and private security is a contemporary issue in security studies which has become common in many countries worldwide. The convergence between private and public security refers to the collaboration and partnership building between the public and private security personnel. It involves bringing together the activities of private and public security personnel in order to encourage innovation and technological advancement in the security sector.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A concise report Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

A concise report - Case Study Example Inasmuch as there seems to be so many opportunities in companies going global, businesses are expected to ensure that they develop effective business strategies and approaches that can enable them to keep pace with the great competition at this stage. In this regard, success in marketing seems to be among the best strategies that businesses operating globally can use as their competitive advantage. In deciding on the marketing approach, it is important that businesses understand the characteristics of the markets in which they are reaching in order to devise strategies that can appeal to the people in that market. With effective marketing, businesses can easily get their goods in shelves in wholesale and retail stores, which is necessary in order for them to be successful. Marketing strategies are not homogeneous, what may have been successful in the domestic market may not prove to be successful in the global market as well, which underpins the need for effective research and understanding of the global market before launching in the new market. This paper examines the different marketing approaches used by companies going global, focusing on the effectiveness of the relationship marketing approach as opposed to traditional/transactional approach in the global markets. The term â€Å"global marketing environment† is sometimes very complex to describe or explain since it encompasses various issues in the global business environment that are never constant, always changing. In order to have the best approach towards understanding what entails the global marketing environment, it is important that one examines some of the current literature and changes in the business environment. In the modern business world, the changing behavior and buying patterns of customers as the proliferation of many and new marketing channels have set up many new issues in the business environment

Monday, October 28, 2019

Great Gatsby Essay, Character Corruption Essay Example for Free

Great Gatsby Essay, Character Corruption Essay Throughout the novel of The Great Gatsby corruption is a prevalent and reoccurring theme and lies within most characters. They become overwhelmed with their own self desires and goal to gain material possession that it blocks their true vision of innocence and morality. Daisy for example is introduced into the book as an innocent dedicated wife to Tom but as the book progresses there is an evident change in her character as she becomes increasingly corrupt. By the end of the book Daisy is selfish, destructive and careless as she handles the situation between her husband, Tom, and her ex lover, Gatsby. For example of her being careless, she lets Gatsby take the blame for her killing of Myrtle Wilson which eventually leads to Gatsby’s death which she seems to show no concern. She is destructive by cheating on her husband while having no real intentions of leaving him for Gatsby. Tom from the beginning of the novel was always seen as corrupt when he has an ongoing affair with Myrtle to satisfy his own needs and leave those needs and feelings of Daisy behind him. He focuses more on monetary value of things and his own self appearance than to the care which Daisy requires out of him as a husband. Tom is also a hypocrite in a way when he catches Daisy and realizes what she has been doing behind his back, he becomes fierce and angry with her while at the same time he has been doing the same behind her back for years. Jordan Baker is also extremely corrupt because of her dishonesty and her need to gossip. She is a social climber who will cling to anyone who means anything or has money for her to grasp onto. She will do whatever it takes to win or get her way, as shown when she cheats in her round of golf to win the tournament. Everything she does is for show and has no regard for other people or their feelings. She goes to Gatsby’s parties with no real concern for who he is while showing no gratitude or thanks for having the party. She is constantly looking out for herself and only herself trying to figure out ways in which she can be seen and become popular in the West and East Egg community. When Daisy was having her affair with Gatsby, Jordan supported her and was behind her during the whole thing, another example of corruption within Jordan. The people of West and East Egg are also all corrupt and consumed with themselves. This is shown when Gatsby dies because only two people show up to his funeral Nick and his father. These people attending his parties have no care for him or his house while they’re there and cannot even pay respect to a man that has died and has given every one of them more then he needed to. Gatsby himself is also a corrupt character in the book yet not nearly as blatantly as the others. Gatsby is corrupted by love and his dream to be with Daisy. Everything he’s ever done in his life such as the money he’s made and the parties he throws are for the slightest chance of him becoming reacquainted with his lost love, Daisy. He is constantly being used by everyone in West and East Egg as an outlet to their everyday lives. They have no regard for who he is and nor do they care. The people come and go as if it is routine for these parties and show no thanks to Gatsby. He has no true friends besides Nick in Egg. Gatsby, over the time of becoming rich has become overwhelmed and brought into the world of expensive material things all to impress Daisy, who previously could not be with him because he was not wealthy. All he can do is show that off so that in the slight chance she comes to one of his parties he can show her is wealth and what he has become. Gatsby is so drawn into and brain-washed over Daisy that she is all he can think about and all he sees is that green light across the bay, dreaming of the time when he and Daisy can finally be together again. This dream is crushed though because he cannot compete with Tom. Tom being categorized under ‘old money’ while Gatsby is categorized under ‘new money’ and big distinction in the communities of West and East Egg. He has devoted his life to becoming an exclusive member to the ‘old money’ people in Long Island but will never be able to reach that goal which corresponds to his goal of end up with Daisy. Corruption is an over arching theme throughout The Great Gatsby and all characters seem to reveal it in their own way with the exception of Nick who stays true to his midwest routes. Nick is never consumed in the material world or has the desire for anything greater than which he already has while all the other characters are always greedy and have desire for more things. They are all absorbed in their own world and worries that they have no time to see what others are doing or how they feel which is an easy way to lead to a corrupted lifestyle.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

income :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With the average American having a disposable income of $28,277, it is no wonder America has become the consumer nation that it is today ( In the past nine months American economy has shown an economic growth of 5.6%. Improvements in work industry are providing higher-paying, more permanent jobs than before, with less than 10% of new jobs created in 2005 being temporary ( With better employment opportunities and steady economic growth, America will become even more of a consumer culture than it is today.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mark Hertsgaard observes a more compassionate side of America when he describes consumer spending post 9/11. â€Å"But the attacks also engendered a new seriousness among the American people, a turning away from self-indulgence and material things in favor of spiritual values and services to others† (Hertsgaard 40). The 9/11 attacks left Americans with feelings of sympathy and remorse, as well as a feeling of unity that was shared throughout the country. Hertsgaard stated that after the attacks, the consequent drop in consumer spending turned the economy into an outright recession (Hertsgaard 40). While the economy itself unarguably suffered an obvious and drastic decline, Americans did not waste much time before they used the attacks on the World Trade Center as a means to make a profit. Millions of products advertised as 9/11 memorabilia were suddenly being sold everywhere. These items were announced as apparent ways for American’s to show their un ity and patriotism, as well as their loyalty and support for their country. Sweatshirts, posters, coffee mugs, and just about anything that could somehow display images or messages were applicable to be sold as keepsakes from the tragic event.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While a day as disastrous and devastating as 9/11 left most of America with feelings of grief, especially for those who had lost loved ones, the â€Å"American Dream† was far from being forgotten. The American Dream holds different meanings for different individuals, depending on their own opinions and perceptions. Despite the fact that this phrase holds not one particular meaning, and is a somewhat varied idea, it’s accepted interpretation includes achieving prosperity through hard work, courage and determination   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Naturally, American’s strive to be the best they can be, regardless of what it is they are doing. It is normal for a person in any profession to desire a promotion, which is a direct route to their actual goal: a higher salary.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lee Price, of the Economic Policy Institute, holds an opinion which contrasts Hertsgaard’s idea that the 9/11 attacks were completely responsible for the economic decline.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Stress Essays -- essays research papers

Stress Stress is the "wear and tear" our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually changing surroundings. It has physical and emotional effects on us and can make good or bad feelings. As a good influence, stress can help motivate us to do something, or help us through the day. As a bad influence, it can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger, and depression (overall, make you feel really crappy), which in turn can lead to health problems such as headaches, upset stomachs, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, and strokes. With the death of a loved one, the birth of a child, a job promotion (or demotion), or a new relationship, we experience stress as we change our lives to cater to this. In so adjusting to different circumstances, stress will help or hurt us depending on how we react to it. The circumstances that cause stress are called stressors. Stressors vary in harshness and duration. For example, the responsibility of caring for a sick parent may be an ongoing source of major stress, whereas getting stuck in a traffic jam may cause mild, short-term stress. Some events, such as the death of a loved one, are stressful for everyone. But in other situations, individuals may respond differently to the same event—what a stressor is for one person may not be stressor for another. For example, a student who is unprepared for a chemistry test and anticipates a bad grade may feel stress, on the other hand a classmate who stud...